Gravity guns and siphon guns (with filters removed) work well. Hand agitation/swirling the gun between panels is helpful to keep flakes suspended in the gun’s hopper.
For strong flake coverage in each coat you may need to increase tip size
Filter clear/reducer before mixing flake. Once flake is mixed in, you cannot filter or it will get trapped.
After mixing, pour mixture into the cup of your gun, but DO NOT use a filter. Also, please remember your gun’s filter must be removed before pouring.
Gun should not be too far from the surface, 4-5 inches is ideal. Spray 1-3 coats. Try not to apply more than three flake coats because this increases roughness, which can lengthen the smoothing/sanding process, allow time to fully flash (follow coating manufacturer’s recommendation). Once flashed, use a scuff pad (NOT sandpaper, tac cloth, then proceed with additional flake coats.
Awesome product, I’m sprayed over different color basecoats. It’s so beautiful